Wednesday, March 25, 2015

A little motivation...featuring steroid injections!

Hi everyone!

I don't usually choose to post about medical school since I don't want to bore everyone to death, but I thought I'd write about an experience I had today - I got to inject a shoulder with steroids for the first time!

Now, this may not seem like a big deal, but it's important to understand that I am NOT a procedure person. Procedures (as in, anything that I have to do with my hands and requires any sort of coordination, haha) make me so nervous and my hands start to shake! So I avoid them if possible while trying to seem like I'm not avoiding them...but not today. Today I had no choice, so I went along and tried to put on my most confident face for the sake of the patient.

Needless to say my attending physician talked me through it (it only takes a minute or two - really a very easy and short procedure) and everything went great! The reason I wanted to write about this is that it was a huge confidence booster for me. I think people don't like to do things they are not good at (or think they're not good at) and so they avoid them. What I learned today was that sometimes you just have to do the thing, and you'll realize it's not so bad! This lesson seems obvious, and I'm sure I had thought of it before, but it's nice to have a concrete example of it working out well.

So my challenge for you today is to go out and do something that makes you nervous! Granted, there will be times where it doesn't work out as planned, but you've got to try! You may surprise yourself. I still probably won't be a procedure person, but I sure won't be as nervous the next time I have to stick a needle in someone's joint. :)

What do you think? Have you done something outside of your comfort zone recently? Let me know in the comments below!


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